Monday 12 October 2015

7 Top Health Benefits of Tumeric

Turmeric contains an extensive variety of cell reinforcement, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and calming properties. Tumeric are a pepper-like smell, sharp taste and a regular kitchen spice.

Here are the top 7 medical advantages of turmeric.


1.Relieves Arthritis

The calming properties in turmeric are extraordinary for treating both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid joint pain. Moreover, turmeric's cancer prevention agent property demolishes free radicals in the body that harm body cells. It has been found that those misery from rheumatoid joint inflammation who devour turmeric all the time encounter much alleviation from the moderate to gentle joint agonies and in addition joint irritation.

2. Recuperates Wound

Turmeric is a characteristic germ-free and antibacterial specialists and can be utilized as a powerful disinfectant. On the off chance that you have a cut or blaze, you can sprinkle turmeric powder on the influenced zone shield body from infection
 accelerate the mending procedure. Turmeric additionally assists repair with damageding skin and may be utilized to treat psoriasis and other provocative skin condition.

3. Controls Diabetes

Turmeric can be utilized as a part of the treatment of diabetes by serving to control insulin levels. It likewise enhances glucose control and expands the impact of prescriptions used to treat diabetes. Another noteworthy advantage is turmeric's adequacy in helping decrease insulin resistance, which may keep the onset of Type-2 diabetes. Be that as it may, when consolidated with solid meds, turmeric can bring about hypoglycemia (low glucose). It is best to counsel a medicinal services proficient before taking turmeric cases.

4. Counteracts Cancer

Turmeric can help counteract prostate tumor, stop the development of existing prostate disease and even wreck malignancy cells. Various analysts have found that the dynamic parts in turmeric makes it one of the best defenders against radiation-actuated cancers. It likewise has a preventive impact against cancer cells, for example, T-cell leukemia, colon carcinomas and bosom carcinomas.

5. Diminishes Cholesterol Level

Examination has demonstrated that essentially utilizing turmeric as a nourishment flavoring can decrease serum cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can prompt different health issues. Keeping up a fitting cholesterol level can forestall numerous cardiovascular maladies.

6. Insusceptibility Immune Booster

Turmeric contains a substance known as lipopolysaccharide, which aides empower the body's immune system. Its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties additionally help reinforce the immune system. As a immune booster, it helps to shield body from infection such as colds, influenza and cough. In the event that you get any of the above illness or flu virus, you can feel better sooner by blending one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm drain and drinking it once day by day.

7. Use to treat numerous diseases - It is likewise stacked with numerous solid supplements, for example, protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Because of every one of these variables, turmeric is regularly used to treat a wide mixed bag of health issues.

 Otherwise called curcuma longa, tumeric is an extremely regular herb. Regularly alluded to as the "King of Spices."

Sunday 11 October 2015

5 symptoms of heart attack

Nobody prays to have heart attack because is a very deadly sickness. Heart attack is not an sickness for only the rich but an illness that could affect anyone, young, old, rich or poor.

Like other sicknesses it has it own symptoms. Knowing the symptoms and ability to detect it early can help people to treat it early and reverse it.

The following are the five major signs or symptoms of heart attack.

5 symptoms of heart attack:

1. A dull pain, ache or "heavy" feeling in the chest

2. Mild discomfort in the chest that makes you feel generally unwell,

3. Pain that spreads to the back, arm or stomach pain that feels bad,

4. Indigestion and

5. Feeling light-headed or dizzy.

Additional information:

Read the report from BBC news after the cut on how a blood test can more than halve the number of people admitted to hospital with a suspected heart attack.....

The doctors say the rapid test, which looks for a chemical in the blood, would reduce stress for patients, save money and while hospital wards will also benefit because it will ease pressure on the wards.

Trials on 6,304 people, published in the Lancet medical journal, suggested it was 99.6%

The British Heart Foundation said the test would produce faster answers without affecting
patient safety.

About one million people attend
A&E departments in the UK with
chest pain, only for most of them
to be sent home after a sometimes lengthy and anxious stay.

They have levels of troponin, a chemical released by damaged
heart muscle, tested when they are admitted and again 12 hours later.

The new test also looks for troponin, but can detect much
lower levels and needs to be done only once. So those given
the all-clear can go straight home.

Saturday 10 October 2015

13 steps to prevent cancer

The main 13 steps for counteracting cancer have been uncovered by new research which has found that one in three deaths from the malady can be avoided.

Research by cancer specialists in Australia found that 90% of all cancer tumor deaths were brought about by only five high-hazard components -
smoking, high exposure to the sun, body weight, awful eating regimen and alcohol/liquor.

The following are the13 top steps to prevent cancer

1. Stop/avoid smoking - we are not strange to the popular cigarette advert which says 'smokers are liable to die young.' This is because smoking causes tar build-up in the lungs and DNA alteration and estimated to cause about 15,558 cancer deaths a year.

2. Avoid exposure to too much sun - Though we get vitamin D from the sun but too much exposure to the sun is not healthy. This is because avoiding the melanoma that comes with overexposure to harmful UV rays, could help to avoid being one of the
7,220 people who die from the cancer that too much melanoma causes.

3. Eat less red meat- A diet that is low in red meat can help to prevent bowel cancer. Accordingly, a 30 grams meat size a day is recommended for men, and 25 a day recommended for women.

4. Go for high fibre food - Foods high in fibre can make our bowels healthier. According to study, processed foods in developed countries appear to be causing higher rates of colon cancer than diets in continents such as Africa with high bean and pulse intake.

5. Fruit and vegetable consumption is a must - Two servings of fruit and three
servings of vegetables a day were given as the magic number
for good diet in one research.
Overall, it was estimated that poor diet causes 7,000 cancer deaths a year.

6. Avoid being overweight and obese - you should try and watch your weight. Too much weight and obesity (fat) could open up an enabling environ for cancer. Accordingly, overweight and obesity, linked to poor diet and lack of exercise, is estimated to cause 3,917 cancer deaths a year.

7. Treat infection promptly- please, make sure you treat any infection promptly because infections are also among the factors that causes cancer.
Infection was linked to 3,421 cancer deaths a year. Most infections can be prevented by vaccinations and regular check-ups. For instance, human papilloma virus - which can cause cervical cancer in women - and hepatitis.

8. Avoid/drink alcohol moderately- Totally avoiding alcohol or cutting back on it could reduce the risk of cancers such as liver cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer and
mouth cancer caused by alcohol and which are leading to 3,208 deaths yearly.

9. Exercise regularly- regular exercise can help to reduce chances of one developing cancer because during exercise our heart will pump very well. Low heart pumping - less than
one hour's exercise a day - is
directly leading to about 1,800 cancer deaths yearly. Lack of exercise will allow us to have
 lower immune functions and higher hormone levels, which are cancer causing factors.

10. Be careful with hormone replacement therapy - The one which is used to relieve
symptoms of the menopause in
women, accounted for 539 deaths from (mainly breast) cancer in Australia last year. Although, it prevents 52 cases of colorectal cancers.

11. Breastfeed for minimum of 12 months - Insufficient breastfeeding can cause cancer.
Breastfeeding for 12 months could prevent 235 cancer cases a year.

12. Be careful with Oral contraceptives - It was recorded that oral contraceptives like the
Pill, caused about 105 breast
cancers and 52 cervical cancers - although, prevented about 1,440 ovarian and uterine (womb) cases of cancer last year.

13. Taking aspirin also prevented 232 cases - Though aspirin is not yet recommended as a formal treatment against the risk of cancer it prevented 232 colorectal and oesophagal cancers cases in the Queensland in a year. The reason why aspirin is yet not formally recommended is that too much of it can also cause strokes.

Friday 9 October 2015

5 health benefits of potatoes

Potatoes are very essential for our health yet many people are ignorant about the numerous benefits of potatoes to our body and health. People prefer to buy yam instead of potatoes and this is not good enough. The following are the 5 possible health benefits of consuming potatoes.

5 reasons potatoes are good for you

1. Potatoes Will Help Balance Your Weight:

It is advisable to add potatoes as part of a weight loss regimen.

A University of California, Davis
study found that potatoes can really help in reducing weight.
Food that are less in calorie are the best for our health  and weight. Therefore, a group of scientists measured the effects of a reduced-calorie diet  that included eating five to seven servings of potatoes per week over a period of 12 weeks. Participants were assigned to three groups and all three groups lost weight because it’s
reducing total calories that count, not sidelining a specific food, when it comes to weight loss.

2. Potatoes Will Help You Stay Full-

Do you know that potatoes can help you feel fuller than you might with some other carbohydrate foods? Do you know that potatoes are more than twice as filling as whole
grain bread, more filling than fish, steak and all the fruits and vegetables? If you don't know, now you know.
 A medium potato has just110 calories and no fat, but can really full your stomach and give you the needed energy to carry on your daily activities.  This is due to the fact that potato has
about 2 grams of filling fiber and
3 grams of protein.
Surprisingly, one study
revealed that boiled potatoes scored the highest mark on a “satiety index” of all foods.

3. Potatoes Are High In Potassium:
Potatoes are found to be rich in more potassium than a Banana.

Low potassium in the body is one of the major causes of heart diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to be eating potato on a regular basis because a medium potato (with skin) contains more potassium
(620mg) than a banana. We need around 4,700 mg of potassium everyday, this we can get through regular consumption  of potatoes. Potassium is identified to help in controlling blood pressure as it help to balance the level of sodium in the body.

 Potassium is known for transmitting nerve
impulses or signals, and in helping muscles contract.

4. Potassium Is High In Vitamin C-
Potatoes are so rich in vitamin C that they contained almost half of the daily needed level of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is known to help limit cell damage in the body, helps to build collagen for healthy skin.

5. Potatoes Are Good Source of Iron:

Iron is needed for oxygen transportation throughout the body as well as proper body cell functioning.

In fact, a medium potato is said to be filled with about 6% of the recommended daily iron intake.
Therefore, if you don't eat meat because of one reason or the other, you are advised to turn to eating potatoes to replace the iron you should be getting from meat.

Thursday 8 October 2015

10 health benefits of ganoderma lucidum (Reishi)

10 health benefits of ganoderma lucidum (Reishi)

Ganoderma lucidum is an herb that belong to the mushroom family. It is considers by some doctors, herbalist and medical scientist as the 'king of herbs.'
It is known to perform the following functions to the human body:

1. Oxygenates the body and boosts stamina - Recently, i found out that lack of oxygen is one of the causes of cancer. That is why it is recommended to be drinking enough water and fruits, so that there will be enough oxygen as this will help to prevent someone from having cancer. We also need stamina to carry on the daily activities. All these could be possible through the consumption of ganoderma lucidum.

2. Consumption of ganoderma lucidum help in the strengthening and boosting of the immune system. Poor immune system is the major cause of diseases and sicknesses. Diseases and infections will be able to enter our body if our immune system is weak. The immune system is like the army that suppose to defend our body from external forces such as virus, bacteria and other foreigners that could affect our health.

3. Ganoderma lucidum help to strengthens our body organs for the elimination of toxins. Toxins are one of the major cause of illness. Too much toxins in our body can lead to the malfunctioning of the kidney and the liver which could cause major health problem. For instance, inability of the kidney to eliminate creatine could lead to serious health problem.

4. Ganoderma lucidum help to provide us with the needed energy and vitality. We need energy to carry on, to live. Those who never lack energy and vitality in their entire life will not understand how energy and vigor is important in our life. Some people are spending huge amount of money to get that daily energy to tackle daily activities and to move on with life.

5. Ganoderma lucidum also help to boost brain power and function. Life is meaningful to us because we have good brain and we are meaningful to the people around us because our brain power and function is still good. Therefore, there is nothing bad in consuming ganoderma lucidum regularly to keep our brain power sharp and okay always.

6. Ganoderma lucidum also improves blood circulation in the body. As we know, blood is the essence of life. Without blood we cannot be alive. Also, improper flow of blood will cause major health problem and swollen in some part or organ of the body. Consuming ganoderma lucidum will aids proper and easy flow of blood to and fro in our body thus keeping us from illness.

7. Ganoderma also reduces allergies and inflammation. Allergies are foreign substance which our body system did not want. One of the symptoms of allergies is inflammation of some parts of our body. For instance, if i consume certain substances my lip will swell up. That means those substances are allergies to my body. That swell up is called inflammation which may be internal or external. Inflammation is caused by many factors apart from allergies. However, ganoderma lucidum will keep our body from allergy reaction and inflammation.

8. Ganoderma lucidum also improves the quality of sleep. I found out lately that lack of sleep is one of the major causes of illness. Lack of sleep will bring down our immune system. And if our immune system is down, our body will be expose to foreigners that are poisonous and harmful to our health. By increasing the quality of our sleep, ganoderma lucidum will protect us from a lot of diseases.

9. Ganoderma lucidum also improves and promote a healthy digestive system. Our digestive system is very vital for our well being. One of the things that virus, bad bacteria, bad microbes and others do is to attack our digestive system. If our digestive system is down, we will lose appetite and when we cannot eat properly, it will be hard for our body to get the needed vitamins and nutrients to fight the disease from our body. Therefore, consumption of ganoderma is recommended for better digestive system and better health.

10. The last benefits of ganoderma lucidum i want to mention here is balancing of PH level. Unbalanced PH level is also one of the major causes of our sickness. If our PH level is balance, we will not fall sick and will recovered from sickness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problem and a lot of other sickness. I highly recommend ganoderma lucidum for consumption since it will balance our PH level. In my future post, i will write on some of the things we can do to have a better PH level naturally.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dogs capable of sniffing out prostate cancer

They're known as man's best
friend; but dogs could soon also
be their greatest ally in the fight
against prostate cancer. Britain's
National Health Service recently
approved a trial for dogs capable
of sniffing out prostate cancer in
the hope that it could show up
inaccuracies in the current PSA
(prostate specific antigen) test.
Fantastic sense of smell
It's long been known that a
dog's remarkable sense of smell
can detect minute odours known
to be associated with many
cancers which are understood to
be linked to volatile organic
compounds produced by
malignant cells.
"Dogs have got this fantastic
sense of smell – three-hundred
million sensory receptors, while
humans have only five million. So
they're very, very good at finding
minute odours. What we now
know is that cancer cells that are
dividing differently have different
volatile organic compounds –
smelly compounds – that are
associated with the cells.
And dogs with their incredible
sense of small can find these in
things like breath and urine,"
said Dr Claire Guest who co-
founded charity Medical
Detection Dogs in 2008 to train
specialist dogs to detect human
She added that the dogs' ability
to sense chemical changes has
been known throughout history
but overlooked by modern
medicine: "What dogs are doing
is actually revisiting a way in
which diagnosis has been done
centuries ago. It was understood
then that different volatiles – or
smelly compounds – could be
involved with changes in our
body and may in fact enable
someone to make an accurate
Almost instant detection
But this has been very much
forgotten. What the dogs are
doing is finding the odours from
bio-chemical changes in our
body and this is opening a new
way of diagnosing diseases and
conditions in the future."
Medical Detection Dogs gained
approval from Milton Keynes
University Hospital for further
trials, after initial testing showed
trained dogs can detect prostate
tumours in urine in 93 percent of
cases. The charity says dogs
undergo training for a period of
about six months, after which
they can reliably identify urine
with traces of cancer cells in it. At
the charity's facility the dogs do
the rounds, sniffing a machine
that holds eight urine samples.
When they detect the sample that
contains cancer cells, they either
stop and sit down by it, bark or
lick the bottle to indicate they can
smell the cancer. Dogs are initially
rewarded when they detect any
urine scent, and then later only
rewarded when they successfully
identify cancer cells in urine
Dr Guest says dogs can detect the
scent of cancer almost instantly,
meaning they could potentially
check many more samples than a
human could possibly do.
A hunt game
"These dogs have the ability to
screen hundreds of samples in a
day; it's something they find very
easy, they enjoy their work. To
them it's a hunt game – they find
the cancer," she said.
For Dr Guest, it was this "game"
that potentially saved her life. In
2009 her Labrador Daisy made
her aware that she was suffering
from the early stages of breast
cancer when she began to
nudge Dr Guest's chest. Daisy,
now 11 years old, is one of the
dogs taking part in the trials in
Milton Keynes.
According to the charity, there
are strong reasons for such a
study. Prostate cancer is the most
common cancer in men in the UK,
and the second most common
cause of cancer death.
The current PSA test involves
analysing a blood sample for a
specific protein produced by the
prostate gland, an elevated level
of which could indicate prostate
cancer and require a biopsy to
be carried out. But the test has a
high "false positive" rate
meaning many men may
undergo the invasive procedure
unnecessarily, and many general
practitioners are reluctant to use
The scientists hope that dogs
could provide a second line
cancer screening service that
demonstrated a low false
positive rate and higher
accuracy. And if dogs can be
proved to be a reliable screening
tool, a test could eventually be
developed that is far superior to
the PSA test.
An electronic nose
While the current trials are
focused on training dogs to
accurately detect prostate cancer
in urine samples, Rowena
Fletcher from Milton Keynes
University Hospital says dogs'
unique skill could make them a
valuable resource for doctors in
detecting many more diseases.
"A lot of different diseases could
carry a chemical signature, and
then really the dogs could be
used potentially to look at any
other diseases which also had a
chemical signature," she said.
While many dog-lovers may think
it would be nice to have a dog in
every doctor's surgery to screen
for cancer, ultimately that is not
practical. Instead the scientists
hope their research will lead to
the invention of an electronic
nose that will mimic that of a
"Ultimately we hope to use the
information that the dogs
produce to actually develop an
electronic nose. So eventually you
could have a machine that sits on
your consultant's desk, you'd put
the urine sample in it and it
would tell you if it was positive
or negative. That would be the
ultimate aim," added Fletcher.
However, a viable "electronic
nose" is still many years away,
with no technology able to get
close to the sniffing power of
man's four-legged friend.
"The problem the electronic nose
scientist has is that currently
their sensitivity is well below the
dog. A dog can find parts per
trillion; we had an electronic
nose working alongside the
dogs recently and they were
unable to find anything below
parts per million," said Dr Guest.
- Reuters

Monday 28 September 2015

Genetic differences may affect lung cancer in smokers

According to a medical research (an MRC funded
study) by UK medical scientists, smokers who survive into old age may
hold key to lung health.

UK researchers have
identified genetic differences
which affect smoking behaviour,
and the predisposition of both
heavy smokers and non-smokers
to suffer poor lung health.

The research found that people with health or good gene may have
healthy lung even if they smole till old age but their lung will be
healthier if they were non-smoker.